Xuzhou, China
Topic:Positioning ,Navigation and LBS Frontier Technology
Introduction: The main issues of the first session are about classrooms given by international distinguished experts on the navigation frontier. The topics are satellite positioning and application frontier, multisensor integrated positioning and navigation and ubiquitous positioning and location based services (LBS).
Secondly, excellent young scholars with senior title are welcome to give lectures during the period. These scholars are self-nominated and selected via the CPGPS committee. The purpose of this session is to provide a platform for graduate students to communicate with young scholars.
The last session is the practices of the positioning, navigation and LBS frontier technology. To give an overall understanding of the positioning, location and navigation technology in a short term, the research circumstances of the BDS data analysis technique, the ubiquitous positioning technique and the integrated navigation and positioning technique are set up respectively for all students to experience the structures of actual operating systems, data processing models and software developments.
Second Floor, Yifu Building, Wenchang Campus,CUMT
Nanhu Campus Environmental Testing College Building 1st Floor in CUMT
21 - 26 August, 2015
International Association of Chinese Professionals in Global Navigation Satellite System(CPGPS)
School of Environment and Science and Spatial Informatics, CUMT
BeiDou International Exchanging and Training Center, CSNO.
Education and Development Committee of the GNSS & LBS Association of China
Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre
Daxuelu No.1, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China